The first weekend in August I will play with my old father, Fin Alfred Larsen, at the 39th "Bardentreffen Nürnberg", which this year marks exactly 100 years since Germany declared war on Russia and a few days later on France, and in that way helped start the 1st World War.
The title is "Krieg und Frieden", and the task is to sing soldier's songs and peace songs from Denmark, both the serious songs about distress and calamity and the many fresh soldier's songs that the foot soldiers used to keep their spirits up. We will be working with a translator on stage, and it will be exciting and entertaining to see the old man tell his many stories to a German audience through an interpreter.
With the benevolent help of the festival, we have arranged for a few days in Nuremberg - it's been a long time since I've been on a city trip with the old man, it should be fun, there will be, among other things, look for strange instruments, navware and German beer, of course
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